Awkward Styles works hard to maintain quality products and offer you an unbeatable value in terms of quality and pricing.
To stay true to that promise, we have adjusted some product pricing, paralleling global supply chain shortages and universal impacts on the industry. Although material, shipping, and labor costs have continued to rise, some of our products have decreased in price or stayed the same. Other products will see an increase due to the basis of the same grounds.
These updates will go live on June 22nd, all updated prices can be found by clicking the button below.
We recommend reviewing the provided information above and assessing any necessary updates to your store's product prices.
We understand how impactful the slightest changes can administer in terms of pricing. Therefore we want to be as transparent as possible and thank you for your business and support. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this price update, please do not hesitate to reach out through our Live Chat. Our team would be glad to assist you.